Nepal: Kathmandu post office

Nepal: Kathmandu post office

Once, I went to the main post office in Kathmandu to send a registered letter to Poland.

General Post Office Kathmandu is located at Sundhara Marg not far from the Ratna Park transport hub.
The mail hall is spacious, quite similar to the average post office in our country – large halls, several windows, several chairs.

The Main Post Office at Sundhar Marg is open on all days of the week except on Saturday, which is a day off from work in Nepal. The office works from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm, except on Friday, when it is open until 3.00. Lunch break, is from 1.30 to 2.00.

A letter shipment to Poland (for Nepal zone III – third) weighing up to 20 grams costs 180. Below I present the entire list of registered mail. Other price lists can be found at the bottom of the page under this article, as well as several photos from the post office.

I wrote the address of the recipient on the envelope, sealed the letter and only told in the window about the registered mode of the letter of delivery and country of delivery. The clerk patted everything into the system and I received a printed sticker with the number type RR741728058NP and the command to track the letter’s route on the internet.

Since I did not receive any information on the e-mail website for ten days, apart from the fact that it was accepted in the window of the post office in Kathmandu – it can be seen at I could check further by choosing one of the bookmarks on the left side, which moved me to the international postal service – – there, however, I did not have any annotation about my shipment, except that it was accepted in Kathmandu.

On the thirteenth day after sending, I went to the office again to ask about the place of stay of the parcel.

In the window, I said that I track the online shipment in accordance with the number given, and yet I want more information.

The clerk sent me – through a sort of mailbox located behind the row – to the room number 23. There the lady buried in her computer had informed me that the parcel was accepted at the local post office. So she said what I had already learned with the help of my issue number. At my request, to look deeper, she flew on several pages of the e-mail intranet and found that my letter had been accepted at the airport in Frankfurt.

So – as it turned out – the parcel goes to Poland via Germany. This is also the way people connect – via Frankfurt. And even a year and a half ago, being in Nepal, we received a letter from Poland – also a registered one – which went directly from Warsaw to New Delhi and from there to Nepal. Both shipments were given by traditional postal service, not by courier.

The next day, I checked the place of my parcel on the Nepali Post website and it turned out that it is located at Flughafen, Frankfurt Airport. Two days later, I saw that the letter was accepted at the airport in Warsaw.

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