Gurung culture Part 2 Culture 

Gurung culture Part 2

According to Gurung records Economics in the nineteenth century was based mainly on sheep herding and trade of products from Tibet over long distances, where they acted asa intermediaries in the exchange of Tibetan salt for rice from the Nepalese lowlands and on the cultivation of some plants preferring high heights, such as buckwheat. They were also avid hunters, made... Read More
Brahmins and Chhetri – the highest caste in Nepal Culture Interesting facts 

Brahmins and Chhetri – the highest caste in Nepal

The highest caste was always Brahmins, holding positions of priests and teachers in the Hindu community. It is believed that in the twelfth century, during the Islamic invasion in India, Brahmins – Brahmans – emigrated to the western hills of Nepal. There they encountered a Khas caste, people of a Brahmin-like culture, who in the caste order never found themselves... Read More
Gurung Dharma: shamanic practices and Gurung beliefs Culture Interesting facts 

Gurung Dharma: shamanic practices and Gurung beliefs

Gurung Dharma, or the Gurung shamanic traditions … … are now considered – also by its supporters – as an ancient system of shamanic beliefs, which is only a remnant of the former powerful cult. Gurung beliefs The Gurungs – in their language – Tamu-mae – combine practical everyday life with rich cosmology, inhabited by innumerable good and evil spirits.... Read More