The awaiting journey to a new destination – Bangladesh
As the end of our Indian visa comes in bigs steps, we have to pack and pick up a new destination.
We have been trice to Nepal, each time for 5 months. And in Sri Lanka too but it is far and the foundation does not allow us for the journey. We have chosen to visit Bangladesh. A new place to visit, specially a country is an exiting experience.
But after all we prefer India and we would rather come here then anywhere else. So we decided to go to Bangladesh for not a long time and make a visa to India.
So now the time has come to organize the journey; trains, hotels, time, money, visa, government, borders and all that. Now we prepare tickets, look out websites with visa applications, check available hotels and slowly get ready for packing.
First we want to go to Kolkata (Currently we are in Puri, Orissa), maybe visit few interesting places, and make visa to Bangladesh. Internet is a great source of information. Then we will go to the border, and now listen carefully, trough cities called Petrapol and Benapole. I can’t stop laughing, maybe ‘e’ makes difference but the pronunciation is the same. These are bordering cities; Petrapol is on Indian side and Benapole on Bangladesh’s side.
With our new wonderful visas we would cross the borders and welcome a new country (for us). We would head towards the city called Khulna and find a nice place to stay. Made few culture studies, interesting facts, apply for visa and after a moth come back to India with new shiny, six month long visas.
This isn’t much but the planning itself is so exiting. My parents always do that but now as mom is tired of this I enjoy helping dad in finding right trains etc. Although I still don’t understand what means ‘tatkal’ and how it works.