Translate Sanskrit into Russian
Here are the words from Sanskrit from India 4 thousand years old. Now understand who are the founders of the written language, Slavs or Indians. But of course everything is much easier than it might seem. Slavs, are like arias not a nationality, but the designation of the territory on which the first highly developed form of the human language arose that later spread to all of Asia. The original sound of word ASIA, the country of the Ases (races, Russes). In the card game, the AS, it is TUZ, a figure that is higher from the earthly rulers of kings. Ases, these are the same Magi, Dervishes, Druids, Vidmans – people of great learning of life.
People always looked for good places to live. Now they have drawn the boundaries, but still people want to visit the warm places at least once a year and warm in the sun. But even half a million years ago people thought the same way. And the path to the favorable weather conditions of the foothills of the Himalayas never overgrew with grass. It’s good there and warm all year round. So people went here and there across the Asia, wherever spiritual power spread. Those places are now Bengal-Nepalese and before were called Shamballa. And it was there that the first area of high cultural concentration of teachers of all stripes arose.
And it was there that the first writing appeared, SANSKRIT which was shod in various Indian languages and Nepali. Sanskrit itself, is the coding language, the same as the Arabic ligature, Latin or Cyrillic. It is not proper to call Sanskrit, a language, as well as Latin and Cyrillic. The fact that someone invented coding, written signs and applied to the language, does not mean that this coding was originally the language of Sanskrit or Latin. And so to speak of the similarity of the Russian or Old Slavonic language to Sanskrit, is not correct. After all, there are many languages that use the coded signs of Sanskrit. After all, no one compares Cyrillic to Hindi.
And now we look and compare the meaning of words in Hindi and Russian:
Sanskrit ◄▬► Russian ◄▬► English
Pramatri ◄▬► Pramatier
Bratri ◄▬► Brat ◄▬► Brother
Bratritva ◄▬► Bratstwo ◄▬► Brotherhood
Sabratri ◄▬► Sabratia ◄▬► Meeting
Devara ◄▬► Dever ◄▬► Brother-in-law
Svakar ◄▬► Sviokar
Dada ◄▬► Diadia ◄▬► Uncle
Mrityu ◄▬► Myortvyj ◄▬► Dead
Jivan, jivo ◄▬► Jivoy ◄▬► Alive
Prastara ◄▬► Prastor ◄▬► Space
Nabas ◄▬► Nebesa ◄▬► Heaven
Swеtana ◄▬► Rasswet ◄▬► Dawn (in Ukrainian – “Svitanok”)
Sweta ◄▬► Swetlyj ◄▬► Light
Tomo ◄▬► Temno ◄▬► Dark
Vrana ◄▬► Rana ◄▬► Wound
Drka ◄▬► Dyrka ◄▬► Hole
Kravi ◄▬► Krov ◄▬► Blood
Nishpad ◄▬► Nispadat ◄▬► Fall moraly
Pad ◄▬► Padac, otpadat ◄▬► Fall, fall away
20. Mri ◄▬► Umri ◄▬► Die
Dura ◄▬► Otwergnuwshiy Boga ◄▬► Rejecting God
Prati ◄▬► Protiv ◄▬► Against
Twar ◄▬► Tworit ◄▬► Create
Yuna ◄▬► Yunyj ◄▬► Young
Pri ya ◄▬► Priyatno ◄▬► Nice
Lyubh ◄▬► Lyubith ◄▬► To love
Nava ◄▬► Novyj ◄▬► New
Dina ◄▬► Den ◄▬► Day
Nich ◄▬►Noch ◄▬► Night (in Ukrainian – “Nich”)
30. Samya ◄▬► Derzatsa wmieste ◄▬► Holding Together (Family)
Hata ◄▬► Dom ◄▬► House (in Ukrainian – “Hata”)
Tata ◄▬► Otec ◄▬► Father (in Ukrainian – “Tato”)
Baala ◄▬► Balovatsa ◄▬► Indulge
Rich ◄▬► Rech ◄▬►Speech (in Ukrainian – “Rich”)
Vyak ◄▬► Govorit, vyakats ◄▬► Speak, blather
Baala-bol ◄▬► Detskaya boltownia (balabolit)◄▬► Children’s chatter
Budh ◄▬► Budit ◄▬► Wake up
Kur ◄▬► Petuh, piet ◄▬► Rooster, sing
Rasa ◄▬► Rosa ◄▬► Race, breed
40. Vasanta ◄▬► Viesna ◄▬► Spring
Iti ◄▬► Idti ◄▬► Go, walking
Plava ◄▬► Plyvusiy ◄▬► Floating
Plavana ◄▬► Plavanie ◄▬► Swimming
Paraplavatie ◄▬► Pereplyvat ◄▬► Swim
Nagnota ◄▬► Nagota ◄▬► Nudity
Badra ◄▬ ► Bodriy ◄▬► Cheerful
Kaluzha ◄▬► Kaluzha ◄▬► Puddle
Etad ◄▬► Etat ◄▬► This
Suzhka ◄▬► Suzhka ◄▬► Drying
50. Sambarana ◄▬► Sobirane ◄▬► Collecting
Sambara ◄▬► Sobirayusiy, ambar ◄▬► Collecting, barn
Hima ◄▬► Zima ◄▬► Winter
Sneha ◄▬► Sneg ◄▬► Snow
Tada ◄▬► Tagda ◄▬► Then (in Ukrainian – “Tada”)
Kada ◄▬► Kagda ◄▬► When
Griva ◄▬► Szeya, griva ◄▬► Neck, mane
Tonu ◄▬► Thonkiy ◄▬► Thin
Kasha ◄▬► Kashel ◄▬► Cough
Svar ◄▬► Branit ◄▬► Brave
60. Drava ◄▬► Derevo, drava ◄▬► Tree, firewood
Agni ◄▬► Agon ◄▬► Fire, name of the God of Fire
Deha me Agni ◄▬► Day mnie agnia ◄▬► Give me fire
Chashaka ◄▬► Chasha ◄▬► Bowl
Var ◄▬► Varit ◄▬► Boil
Etam ◄▬► Eto ◄▬► It
Pivo (Beer) ◄▬► Napitok ◄▬► Drink
Dvar ◄▬► Dver ◄▬► Door
Mush ◄▬► Mysh ◄▬► Mouse
Tanute ◄▬► Tyanut ◄▬► To pull
70. Cta ◄▬► Ctat, ostanovitsa ◄▬► Become, stay
Vrajya, Disanta ◄▬► Wrag ◄▬►Enemy
Barbara ◄▬► Barvar, dikiy ◄▬► Barbarian, wild
Skanda ◄▬► Bog wayny ◄▬► God of War (the word “scandal”)
Rush ◄▬► Rushit ◄▬► Tear down
Rui ◄▬► Razbiwat ◄▬►Break up (in Ukrainian – “Ruynuvati”)
Grab ◄▬► Grabit ◄▬► Rob
Kara ◄▬► Tyurma ◄▬► Prison
Sad ◄▬► Saadit ◄▬► Plant
Trasa ◄▬► Trusosc, strah, ispug ◄▬► Cowardice, fear, fright
80. Adi ◄▬► Adin ◄▬► One
Purva ◄▬► Perviy ◄▬► First
Dva ya ◄▬► Dva ◄▬► Two
Tree ◄▬► Tree ◄▬► Three
Traya ◄▬► Troye ◄▬► Three (of someone)
Treba ◄▬► Tretiy ◄▬► The third
Treka ◄▬► Troyka ◄▬► Three (of someone)
Trinzat◄▬► Tridcat ◄▬► Thirty
Chatwara ◄▬► Chetvera ◄▬► Four (of something)
Chatur ◄▬► Chetyre ◄▬► Four
90. Chaturdadzan ◄▬► Chetyrnadzat ◄▬► Fourteen
Dashatara ◄▬► Dyesiatera ◄▬► Ten (of someone)
Soto ◄▬► Sto ◄▬► Hundred
Me ◄▬► Moy ◄▬► My, mine/Twa ◄▬ ► Twoy ◄▬► Your
Sva ◄▬► Svoy, swaya ◄▬► Your, its
Ubayoh ◄▬► Obeih ◄▬► Both
Samana ◄▬► Shaman, ascet mystic ◄▬► Shaman, ascet mystic
Vidman ◄▬► Chelwelik ucionosti ◄▬► Great man of learning
The boundaries of the distribution of the Hindi language on the map. In a broad sense, these languages are called Indo-Aryan. This means that they are ransomed in the territory of India, and they were distributed by wandering sages-singers of the history of the aria. They also distributed writing, coding the SANSKIT sign and adapted it to various local languages.
Written by: Eduard Volkov