Vidanga and other miracles of Ayurveda

Vidanga and other miracles of Ayurveda

In India, where parasites are common, it is good to remember that people with weaker digestive systems are more susceptible to parasitic infections.

It is not difficult to get an infection, and the conditions for development are important for the parasite. Intestinal parasites excellently develop on undigested food. Ultimately, the host suffers from weakening and degeneration. That’s why Ayurveda uses hot spices to stimulate digestion and thus destroy parasites.

The use of dairy products during the removal of parasites is generally inadvisable, except for the use of curd mixed with herbs – fresh or powdered.

Hot spices cause in the host’s body an environment that is in disadvantage to the parasite by destroying its membrane and are therefore a good remedy. However, you need to combine them with windproof spices to relieve flatulence and bitter herbs to reduce toxicity, as some parasites release toxins into the host’s body.

Spices will of course stimulate peristalsis. They can also potentially increase the tendency to diarrhea, because it is one of the ways in which the body gets rid of parasites.

Those are often used to increase what Ayurveda calls a digestive fire:

  • Asafoetida – an intensely fragrant spice, similar to garlic combined with onions, although originating from root gum, not from onion
  • Black pepper

Chili, although not from India, is also used in Ayurveda.

Just like in Chinese medicine – Ayurveda uses bitter herbs to regulate the flow of bile, which cleanses among others the ammonia released by parasites.

Good ayurvedic medications also include several curative issues: the need to destroy parasites, improve intestinal peristalsis and bacterial flora, and detoxify the blood and liver.

Vidanga – Embelia ribes

A plant commonly called Black False Pepper usualy growing throughout India – from the Himalayas to Sri Lanka – at an altitude of around 1500 m.n.p.m. The plant is a small tree or bush blooming white with oval leaves – as in the above photograph. Although the vidanga fruits are similar to black pepper after collecting and drying them, the plant itself is completely different.

Vidanga, being in the taste of acrid-harshness, raises the pitta feature, i.e. the element of fire, and thus reduces the kapha trait. Because it is also carmine, it reduces the vata feature.

Its use is considered to be particularly effective against tapeworms, pinworms and nematodes. For the treatment of nematodes, a preparation made of fruit or vidangi leafs combined with ginger is applied to the skin. Such a plant kit is also used to treat internally other types of parasitic infections.

For efficacy, the herb should be used for at least three months. However, it must be remembered that everything that raises fire at the same time reduces fertility, so if it is no longer needed, and the couple wants to have children, they should put away the herb.

Ayurvedic preparations based on this plant contain several other ingredients, which reduces side effects and strengthens the healing effect.

The secret of ancient pharmacists – in this case – hides the following ingredients:

  • neem tree leaves
  • asafoetida
  • black pepper
  • long pepper
  • kudaiya tree bark

Baro, amla and har (haritaki) – three fruits of which the well known Ayurvedic formula of Trifala, recycles the body

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